Being nothing but the most important french and european technopole, Sophia Antipolis, located just a stone's throw from Cannes and Antibes, was born in 1969 in a simple concept : to meet researchers, teachers on the same site and industrialists. Attracting every year an increasing number of skilled workers and students from around the world, the data gives the turn with no less than 5,000 students, 4,000 researchers and 63 nationalities with more than 2,000 companies in 2017. SMEs and start-ups are competing with world leaders such as Samsung and Air France, encouraging rapprochement and creating real synergy. All this is reinforced by the presence of numerous institutes of training which accentuate this dynamic towards progress and exchange. But Sophia Antipolis is more than a major hub of innovation because 2,400 Hectares of its technopole, the ⅔, are dedicated to jogging, walking, tennis ... and golf ! Ideally located between sea and mountain, the park is situated in an area in the heart of more than a million inhabitants. Around the technopole are gathered no less than 24 agglomerations including Antibes. Thus, researchers from all over the world find an environment conducive to their development and promoting productivity ... and creativity !
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